Antena 3 CNN Life S-a pozat așa și a pus fotografia pe net! Toată lumea credea că e gravidă, dar realitatea e alta

S-a pozat așa și a pus fotografia pe net! Toată lumea credea că e gravidă, dar realitatea e alta

16 Mar 2017   •   12:42

Mai multe femei se simt rau sau dezamagite de look-ul lor inainte de menstruatie. Insa nu multe stiu ca aceasta stare este normala. Un model a decis sa publice o fotografie cu ea si fizicul ei inainte de aceasta perioada. Fata a explicat de ce burta ei arata asa si de ce toate femeile ar trebui sa isi accepte corpul indiferent de greutatea pe care o arata cantarul.

”Unii dintre voi ati mai vazut asa ceva sau nu. Unele dintre voi au simtit pe pielea lor o astfel de situatie sau nu, unele se vor dezgusta la vederea imagii sau altele se vor simti usurate la gandul ca nu sunt singurele. Eu doar voiam sa va explic ca este perfect normal sa fiti balonate inainte de menstruatie. Corpul retine apa in aceasta perioada si kilogramele vor fi mai multe. Nu este nimic in neregula. Este perfect normal si nu trebuie sa va e fie rusine de corpul vostru” a scris Malin Olofsson pe contul sau de Instagram. 



-------------------------------------------- Some of you have seen this before. Some of you haven't. Some of you experience and go through this yourself once a month. Some of you will be disgusted. Some of you will sigh with relief and think -Omg I'm not alone. Some of you will not read this caption and presume that I'm pregnant. -------------------------------------------- This is the visual signs of PMS for me and many other women. For some it's less extreme, for some it's more. Water retention is a very normal and common symptom of PMS. Some women will hardly notice it and some go through immense discomfort for a couple of days a month. It can start anytime between ovulation and your period. -------------------------------------------- THIS ?? IS ?? NORMAL. This is nothing to be ashamed of. Yes - it is very uncomfortable, and yes - it is really difficult to not feel like you must hide it and try to suck your stomach in. I've stopped. I've decided that breathing is more important than what other people may or might think. I've decided that my body's reaction to the hormonal change is not going to be an aspect that I let contribute to my already unstable mental state. Because when I have PMS, I already feel like dying. And I've decided to love my body no matter how I feel about life. -------------------------------------------- Do not blame your body for how you're feeling. It is never your body's fault. It is never anything wrong with how your body looks. Yes - your body might experience discomfort due to hormonal changes - so instead of making it worse through shaming your body, try doing the opposite. Realize that this is when you need extra self-care and self-love. Realize that you don't have to be ashamed and hide. You are perfect and your body is just doing it's job.

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