Mii de britanici au protestat la Londra, odată cu venirea președintelui SUA, Donald Trump.
Manifestanții au început să fluture pancartele, în timp ce premierul Theresa May stătea de vorbă cu liderul american, potrivit CNN.
The “Trump Baby” balloon is flying once again in London to protest the #TrumpUKVisit https://t.co/z5wPNaBnON pic.twitter.com/u7yyEOmezx
— CNBC International (@CNBCi) 4 June 2019
Liderul opoziţiei britanice, Jeremy Corbyn, s-a adresat protestarilor, numind manifestaţiile o "personificare a ceea ce înseamnă o societate democratică".
Trump: “Where are the protests? I don’t see any protests. I did see a small protest today when I came, very small. So a lot of it is fake news, I hate to say.”
— Ryan Knight ?️? (@ProudResister) 4 June 2019
The only fake news is you @realDonaldTrump. The #TrumpProtest was not small. It was HUGE! pic.twitter.com/WDGDn9KAjo