Antena 3 CNN Externe O echipă de medici care se îndrepta spre New York a cucerit inimile a milioane de oameni din întreaga lume

O echipă de medici care se îndrepta spre New York a cucerit inimile a milioane de oameni din întreaga lume

O echipă de medici aflată în drum spre New York a cucerit inimile a milioane de oameni. Chiar dacă se îndreptau spre una dintre cele mai afectate zone de COVID-19, aceștia erau binedispuși și plini de speranță.

O echipă de medici care se îndrepta spre New York a cucerit inimile a milioane de oameni din întreaga lume
02 Apr 2020   •   19:32

Echipa a fost fotografiată pe data de 27 martie într-o aeronavă a companiei Southwest, care pleca din Atlanta și se îndrepta spre New York, stat cu peste 92.000 de pacienți infectați. 

În ciuda misiunii grele și a perciolului pe care îl aveau în față, medicii au pozat zâmbind, plini de speranță.

Compania Southwest a postat poza pe Instagram, care a devenit imediat virală. 


While so many of us continue to feel the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, no one knows what is happening quite like our medical professionals. These brave souls soldier on in the midst of tremendous risk and exposure, constantly putting the needs of others above their own. Their selfless sacrifice is a beacon of light during such a dark time in our world, and no amount of gratitude and praise would ever be enough. Because of their courage, our family, our friends, our coworkers, our neighbors, and more have a fighting chance. More than a dozen healthcare professionals from Atlanta answered the call this past Friday evening to serve in New York. This photo embodies it all: bravery, courage, and sacrifice. If it were easy, everyone would do it, but we know that is not the case. Thankfully, this group and countless others do it each day, and for that we are forever grateful and in their debt. So to all the first responders, medical professionals, healthcare workers, and anyone else on the front lines today and every day to keep us safe, thank you. #SouthwestHeart (? Southwest Employee Dayartra E.)

A post shared by Southwest Airlines (@southwestair) on

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