Antena 3 CNN Externe Alegeri prezidenţiale SUA 2016. Cum arată clipurile de lansare ale candidaţilor

Alegeri prezidenţiale SUA 2016. Cum arată clipurile de lansare ale candidaţilor

16 Apr 2015   •   17:30
Cursa pentru alegerile prezidenţiale din 2016 din Statele Unite se intensifică. Deja există patru candidaţi bine cunoscuţi care şi-au anunţat intrarea în competiţia pentru conducerea celei mai puternice naţiuni din lume.
Doar de dragul comparaţiei, iată clipurile de campanie ale celor mai puternici candidaţi de până acum. 

Hillary Clinton - Partidul Democrat

Getting StartedI’m running for president. Everyday Americans need a champion. And I want to be that champion. -H

Posted by Hillary Clinton on Sunday, April 12, 2015

Rand Paul - Partidul Republican

Moments ago, Hillary Clinton announced her campaign for President.And if the liberal media has their way, her "campaign" will be nothing more than a coronation.But I'll tell the truth about why Hillary's disastrous record disqualifies her from the Presidency.In fact, my campaign team has produced a brand new ad showing why recent polling proves I'm the best Republican candidate to take on Hillary in 2016.I've directed my staff to buy airtime in early primary states, but I need your help to make sure it is shown far and wide.Please watch the new ad below, then donate right away to help my campaign surpass $2 million raised:

Posted by Rand Paul on Sunday, April 12, 2015

Marco Rubio - Partidul Republican

Thanks for all of the support & encouragement since yesterday! Watch & share this video with highlights from the announcement:

Posted by Marco Rubio on Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Ted Cruz - Partidul Republican

It’s going to take a new generation of courageous conservatives to make America great again.I’m ready to stand with you to lead that fight, and I hope to earn your support. Join us:

Posted by Ted Cruz on Monday, March 23, 2015


Subiecte în articol: prezentare candidatura Hillary Clinton
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