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Romanians, the largest foreign community in Spain. How many of our countrymen live and work abroad

1 minut de citit Publicat la 13:14 23 Apr 2014 Modificat la 13:14 23 Apr 2014
Romanians, the largest foreign community in Spain. How many of our countrymen live and work abroad
Romanians continue to be the largest foreign community in Spain, although their number began to decline, as has the entire population. According to official data published these days in Madrid, on 1 January there were nearly 800,000 Romanians in Spain, 8.6 percent less than a year ago.

With just 795,513 people, Romanians were on January 1 this year, the largest immigrant community in Spain, as in previous years. However, they accounted for only 1.70 percent of the total population of 46.7 million people. Last year, the number of Romanians in Spain fell by almost 75,000. And if this trend continues, next year our countrymen could be surpassed  by the Moroccan community, currently in second place with 771 000 people

 The third  place goes to the British with  almost 300,000, whose number is also decreasing, followed by Ecuador and China. The total population of Spain was also reduced for the second year in a row, but only by 0.9 percent. The decrease  in the number of foreigners in Spain and especially Romanians can have several causes, according to a sociologist at the University of Madrid, quoted by the newspaper El Pais

The persistent economic crisis makes many immigrants want to leave Spain, either to return home or, as Romanians do,  to seek better conditions elsewhere.

It is also possible that some of the foreigners who have been in Spain  for several years, have acquired nationality, the sociologist adds.

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