Antena 3 CNN World Romanian sailors arrested in Argentina for allegedly throwing stowaways overboard

Romanian sailors arrested in Argentina for allegedly throwing stowaways overboard

<1 minut de citit Publicat la 16:05 23 Aug 2013 Modificat la 16:05 23 Aug 2013
Romanian sailors arrested in Argentina for allegedly throwing stowaways  overboard
The Romanian ship captain and his first mate, also a  Romanian, along  other five crew members of a ship were  arrested by the   Argentinean  authorities, being accused of throwing overboard four Congolese stowaways found on ship, EFE news agency reports, quoted by Agerpres.

The  RM Power ship, owned by a Greek  sailing under  Marshal Islands flag , sailed off at the beginning of July from Congo,  heading to the Argentinean harbor  Rosario. 

Shortly after setting sail, the crew found onboard the ship seven Congolese stowaways and decided to return to the port, where they were debarked.

According to statements given by some of the crew, a few days later, when the  ship was already in international waters,  four other Congolese were found hiding on the boat, they were then bound and thrown into the ocean.

The  arrested are captain Florin Filip, his  first mate, Robert Racoviţă, and five Filipino sailors. The crew consisted of 21 sailors.

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