Antena 3 CNN Sport Tenis Melanie Oudin a declarat oficial retragerea din tenisul profesionist: „Să lupţi împotriva celor mai buni din lume este dificil”

Melanie Oudin a declarat oficial retragerea din tenisul profesionist: „Să lupţi împotriva celor mai buni din lume este dificil”

3 minute de citit Publicat la 11:24 23 Aug 2017 Modificat la 11:24 23 Aug 2017

Melanie Oudin a declarat oficial retragerea din tenisul profesionist.

„Am început tenisul la şapte ani şi am ştiut la nouă ani că îmi doresc să devin jucătoare profesionistă. Nu ştiam câtuşi de puţin de câtă muncă şi perseverenţă va fi nevoie, dar mi-am propus să dau tot ce am pentru a-mi atinge obiectivul. Visul meu a fost să joc tenis profesionist, alături de cei mai buni, la turnee precum US Open-ul. Am fost suficient de norocoasă pentru a-mi trăi visul în ultimii nouă ani, după ce am făcut pasul spre jocul profesionist în 2008. Din păcate, începând cu finalul lui 2012, m-am confruntat cu nenumărte probleme de sănătate şi accidentări.

Am muncit atât de mult pentru a reveni şi, de fiecare dată, mai apărea câte ceva. Asta şi-a pus amprenta zdravăn asupra mentalului meu şi a corpului meu, în ultimii ani. Să lupţi împotriva celor mai buni din lume fără să fii la 100% şi fizic şi metal - este dificil. După ce am cântărit bine, am luat dificila decizie de a mă retrage din tenis”, a anunţat Melanie Oudin, prin intermediul reţelelor de socializare.


There is something I wanted to share with you all. I started playing tennis when I was seven years old, and I knew at nine that I wanted to be a professional tennis player. Not knowing at all how much work and dedication that would entail, I wanted it and gave it my all to reach that goal. My dream was always to play professional tennis at places like the US Open with the best in the world. I have been lucky enough to live my dream for the last nine years since I turned pro in 2008. Unfortunately, since the end of 2012, I have been struck with numerous health issues and injuries. I would work so hard to come back after being out, and then something else would happen. It has definitely taken a toll on me mentally and physically over the last five years or so. Competing with the best in the world requires your absolute best and without being 100% mentally and physically it is very difficult. After much thought, I have decided to make the difficult decision to retire from professional tennis. Tennis has given me so much and I will always be grateful. It wasn't exactly the entire career I had dreamed of, but in life things don't always go as planned. The people as in my friends and family, coaches, fitness trainers, physios, sponsors, and my agent who I have worked with over the years, I will always be thankful and appreciate you so much. I will definitely miss competing but I will not forget the many wonderful moments my tennis career has given me. I am very proud of how I always competed with lots of heart throughout my whole career. Lots of amazing memories to take away from it that I will never forget like being on the USA Fed Cup team, making final eight at the US Open, winning a grand slam in mixed doubles, and winning a WTA tournament on grass. I fell in love with the game of tennis when I was seven years old and it will always have a special place in my heart. I am sad to leave the sport I know and love, but I am very optimistic about what the future holds for me. Lastly, I want to say thank you to my fans that have followed me throughout my career and have stuck by me through it all. I am so appreciative for the support over the years. BELIEVE

O postare distribuită de Melanie Oudin (@melanieoudin) pe

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