Antena 3 CNN Romania The history of the Romanian flag. How the flag came to be

The history of the Romanian flag. How the flag came to be

The history of the Romanian flag. How the flag came to be
27 Mai 2013   •   17:51
In times when patriotism can hardly find its place in anyone’s  heart, Antenna 3 urges Romanians  to be proud of what they are and to reconsider the   values  inherited from their ancestors.

Today, May 27, 2013, Antena 3 and will ofer Romanians the best beatiful gift: the largest flag in the world.

Under this framework, we continue to present you the history of the Romanian flag.


The national flag of Romania is a tricolor with vertical stripes. According to the Constitution of  Romania, the colors are arranged vertically,  in the following order from the flagpole: blue, yellow, red. " Law no. 75/1994 states that the national flag strips have the colors cobalt blue, chrome yellow and Vermion red.

According to a popular legend on the Romanian territory, the colors  red, yellow and blue would have been used since ancient times by the  Romanians as a symbol of theirs  or by others to designate them.

The colors are found  on the diplomas issued by Michael the Brave, the shields and flags. As until the begining of the XIX  the idea to form  a nation existed only in the hearts of a  few scholars such as Grigore Ureche, these colors have not  been  used to identify the Romanians in particular and the flags of the Romanian countries have been inherited  sice the Middle Ages , bearing  heraldic symbols unrelated to the modern idea of "nation.

The flag is a symbol of the Romanian nation since  early nineteenth century. The  presence of the three colors can be noticed on the tassels  and paintings on the  canvas  of  Tudor Vladimirescu rebellion flag when  their first meaning was assigned to  them: "Liberty (the blue sky), Justice (the yellow of fields), Brotherhood  ( bloody red)"

The flag was first adopted in the Romanian Country, in 1834, as  a battle flag, when the reformist ruler Alexandru D. Ghica submitted to the  approval of Sultan Mahmud II , the flag pattern and the battleship  flags. This pattern  was a "flag with the red, blue and yellow, it also had stars and  that  bird’s  head in the middle." Soon, the order of  colors was changed, for  yellow to appear in  the center.

The 1866 Constitution of Romania provided in Article 124 that : "The Colors of the  United Principalities will be Blue, Yellow and Red." The order and the display of the  colors were established by the House of Representatives at the meeting of 26 March 1867. The colors of the flag were placed vertically. The  country’s emblem  was placed only  on the army’s flag and on the princely  flags in the middle, the civilian flag lacked it. The same distinction was made
​​for the  Navy’s war and civilian flags..

After the completion of Great Romania, the official flag  will continue to be tricolor with vertical stripes and without an emblem at the center.

the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Romania, adopted in 1965, provides in Article 118 that: "The flag of the Socialist Republic of Romania is  red, yellow and blue, arranged  vertically with blue near the flagpole. In the middle sits the emblem of the  Socialist Republic of Romania ".

Heroic action  under the Romanian flag

During the War of Independence of 1877-1878, the Romanian soldiers heroism was constantly stimulated by the  Romanian flag. In the attack on August 30, 1877, Nicolae  Valter Mărăcineanu died on duty while sticking in the Grivita parapet the  Regiment’s  flag. The soldiers of the 3rd Regiment cavalry entered first  in Plevna, swimming across  the Void river, with the  flag on their foreheads.

The World War I witnessed some sacrifices made to defend the battle flag, as a symbol of the duty to protect  the land of the country and of the military honor. The Flags guard belonging to regiment 83 infantry „Neagoe Basarab”  battled  a German patrol in 1916. Despite having an arm cut off, the flag carrier remained on the battlefield until the other soldiers have come to his rescue and saved the flag.

During War World II, the flags of the units who fought bravely  were decorated.

The flag’s protocol

The Romanian flag must fly  permanently on the buildings and premises of public authorities and institutions, the headquarters of political parties, trade unions, educational and cultural  institutions at border crossing points and  in airports .

The Romanian flag can be temporarily hoisted in other  public places on the occasion of the Romanian national day and on other national holiday ,  set by the  local authorities during the festivities and official ceremonies with local, national and international character, in the places where they are being held.

The Romanian flag can be flown without any  constraints by  individuals in  their homes or residences, or  by legal persons at their headquarters.

The Government is the only body that sets national mourning days, when  the Romanian flag is flying at half-mast.

Other countries flags may be displayed in Romania  only accompanied by the national flag and only on the occasion of official state visits, of  festivities and  international meetings on official buildings and public places established in compliance with Law no. 75/1994. In this case, the Romanian flag occupies the place of honor, ie the center .

The flag of the European Union is displayed  at the left of the Romanian flag.

The flag of battle is taken out  from the window to be displayed   at military oath ceremonies, troops parades, at surrendering or taking up a  unit’s command , while giving military honors in military funerals, and other occasions when it is ordered so.


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