Antena 3 CNN Romania Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu, sentenced to serve two years in prison for fostering Nicolae Popa

Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu, sentenced to serve two years in prison for fostering Nicolae Popa

<1 minut de citit Publicat la 18:51 02 Oct 2012 Modificat la 18:51 02 Oct 2012
Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu, sentenced to serve two years in prison for fostering Nicolae Popa
Sorin Ovidiu Vantu was sentenced to two years in prison for fostering offender Nicolae Popa. It is a sentence to be served ruled by Bucharest Court.

In the same case, Octavian Turcan received a sentence of one year probation and Alexandru Stoian, Vantu's driver, was sentenced to one year and six months imprisonment with suspended sentence.

The judgment is not final and may be appealed to Bucharest Court of Appeal.

On October 12 2010, the General Prosecution prosecutors indicted Vîntu under the charges that he would have sent to Indonesia several amounts of money for the former director of Gelsor, Nicolae Popa, sentenced to 15 years in prison in the case of the National Investments Fund.

Thus, prosecutors claim that during October 2009 to January 2010, Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu would have sent to Nicolae Popa two installments of 50,000 Euros and 20,000 Euros.

Nicolae Popa needed the amounts of money to hide in order not to be found by the authorities entitled to enforce the European arrest warrant issued against him to serve a 15 years in prison sentence, to which he had been convicted by final judgment and enforceable.

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