Antena 3 CNN Romania Romania and Hungary come to terms. The Foreign Ministers want to avoid a diplomatic scandal between the two countries

Romania and Hungary come to terms. The Foreign Ministers want to avoid a diplomatic scandal between the two countries

Romania and Hungary come to terms. The Foreign Ministers  want to avoid a diplomatic scandal between the two countries
08 Feb 2013   •   15:53
Romania and Hungary are willing  to bury the hatchet. The Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Titus Corlăţean and his counterpart Ianoş Martonyi, will meet in the spring to discuss the issue of minorities and of the Székely flag.

The two agreed that they should avoid a diplomatic scandal between the two countries. The Hungarian Foreign Minister confirmed the intention of the Hungarian Government to support the autonomy of the   Székely County.

Victor Ponta  acused the Hungarian officials  that they  were campaigning for the elections. The Minister for Internal Affairs  asked the prefects  to sanction the mayors  who  violated  the law. The mayor of the  Mădăraş commune was fined  4.000 lei for hoisting  Hungary’s flag on the Townhall.

The Prime Minister asked the President to approach   the matter at  the European Council’s meeting. The  UDMR (Democratic Union of the Hungarians in Romania ) accused the Hungarian Ambassador of  lack of diplomacy.

The Romanian Minister  of Foreign Affairs, Titus Corlăţean will meet his  counterpart, Jonos Martonyi in the spring to  discuss minority rights: The two agreed, following a telephone conversation, to avoid triggering a diplomatic conflict.

The scandal erupted after the Hungarian State Secretary Zsolt Nemeth stated  that in the  Szeklerland a war of the flags  occurred and urged mayors in Hungary to fly the Secklers flag as a sign of  solidarity. The Romanian legislation provides, however, that specific symbols of national minorities can only be used at  specific events.

Subiecte în articol: România Titus Corlăean
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