Antena 3 CNN Romania Elena Basescu is done babysitting and she took a job with the Chamber of Commerce. There is the salary Băsescu’s daughter gets

Elena Basescu is done babysitting and she took a job with the Chamber of Commerce. There is the salary Băsescu’s daughter gets

<1 minut de citit Publicat la 17:54 04 Feb 2016 Modificat la 17:54 04 Feb 2016
Elena Băsescu is done babysitting and she came back to work. Not anywhere but in a place where you work little and earn a lot. After Luxten and the European Parliament, the former president’s daughter chose the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania. Here she deals with a very endearing topic – international relations.  

Elena Băsescu went back to work after she gave birth to two grandsons of Traian Băsescu. 

In the Chamber of Commerce, Elena Basescu is working in the department for International Relations where she gets a salary of 3000 lei net. The choice Elena Băsescu made, namely the International Relations department is all the more strange since she has made a fool of herself on many occasions during the speeches delivered.
Despite the modest income from the Chamber of Commerce, the youngest daughter of the former President wanders through the capital with another luxury vehicle. It is a jeep amounting to over 100 thousand euros.

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