Antena 3 CNN Politics Ponta: I congratulate the Romanians who voted. Any politician who ignores the vote of 9 milion Romanians is broken from reality

Ponta: I congratulate the Romanians who voted. Any politician who ignores the vote of 9 milion Romanians is broken from reality

Ponta: I congratulate the Romanians who voted. Any politician who ignores the vote of 9 milion Romanians is broken from reality
Sursa foto: Picture: Mediafax
30 Iul 2012   •   00:22

Prime Minister Victor Ponta congratulated on sunday the people who voted at the referendum for the impeachment of president Traian Basescu.

”I congratulate the millions of Romanians who voted today. It is a great victory for Romania to have almost nine million people who voted. About the result i can only tell you that we will have the final data in the following hours”, Mr. Ponta said.

”Any politician who says he can ignore the vote of 9 million Romanians is broken from reality”

Subiecte în articol: Victor Ponta referendum
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