Antena 3 CNN Life-Show Antenna 3, the best rated TV channel in Romania to report important events

Antenna 3, the best rated TV channel in Romania to report important events

Antenna 3, the best rated TV channel in Romania to report important events
03 Feb 2014   •   17:38
Antenna 3 concludes the first month of the year from the leader’s position of the informative channels in Romania, reaching also market leader level when key events occur. January was marked by key topics such as the new Penal Code, the presidential elections and the USL stability, the disclosures related to the Gazprom-Ioana Basescu business deal, the air crash in Apuseni, the difficult weather conditions.

According to Kantar Media, the channel’s niche productions during January have repeatedly been rated no. 1, overcoming the other Romanian TV channels.

Thus, on January 20 the Daily summary with Mihai Gadea recorded 7.1% rating and 15.6% market share, ranking ahead of Pro TV and other TV stations in the country for 3 hours. The shows presented by Mircea Badea and Maria Coman were also market leaders on the same date. In the press show got 3.1 rating points and 15.6% market share, while the show It is happening in Romania registered 2.6% rating points and 12.9% market share.

On January 21, Maria Coman’s show has become the new market leader with 3.8 rating points and 17.4% market share, a level also reached by Today’s forecast with Sabina Iosub, which won 3.4% rating and 15.4% market share, but also the driving engine show of the channel, the Daily summary with Mihai Gadea, who recorded 6.5% rating and 13.6% average market share.

Mircea Badea and Sabina Iosub continue on the same tone and reached on January 22 editions exceeding the target of both the niche news channels, and all mainstream television channels, the media market share reaching 12.4 percent, respectively 14.6%.

Meanwhile, the show produced by Maria Coman was market leader on the January 22, and 23, on both sections, on both time tables of the show with an average of over 15.7% and 16.2% market share.

Today’s Forecast produced by Sabina Iosub exceeded the other TV stations in Romania at the beginning of the month, on January 7 and 9, with averages of 10.2% and 11.3% market share.

Moreover, compared with January 2013, Antenna 3 rating for Day Time rose by 5%. Additionally,between 6-10 hours, when Nadina Campean and Marius Ionita welcome viewers for the Morning news Monday to Friday, while Ela Craciun does it during weekends, the channel rating registered an increase of 8% compared to the first month of the previous year, while during Day Time (10-16),when Antena 3 broadcasts the shows produced by Sabina Iosub, Maria Coman, Alina Petrescu, Andreea Stroe, Adrian Maniutiu, Ioana Raduca, Catalina Porumbel and Laura Nureldin, Mihaela Birzila or Lorena Burlacu, the station rating rose by 14%. Alina Petrescu, Alessandra Stoicescu, Adrian Ursu and Dana Grecu together with Radu Tudor are the producers of the shows which have registered the highest rating increase during a slot, while the 16-19 slot (Access) has only rose by 17%.

As the market share evolution analysis points out in January, Antenna 3 keeps its advancement from the other news stations for the day time and in prime time. 

In the same spirit as the 2013, Antenna 3 productions dominated the top news niche in January, the Daily summary with Mihai Gadea Meeting Point with Radu Tudor, The Sequential show with Adrian Ursu, Subjective with Razvan Dumitrescu and On Today’s Agenda with Dana Grecu and Radu Tudor , being the shows that registered the highest rating.

Regarding the ranking based on the average market share, the show It is happening in Romania with Maria Coman (11:00) occupies the top spot with 11.9 percent, followed by the Daily Summary, Today Forecast with Sabina Iosub, It happens in Romania with Maria Coman (1:00 p.m.) and In the press with Mircea Badea.

Antenna 3 has set a record in January, as the news television that attracted the highest number of premium viewers, educated people, collaged educated and influential in society.

The ratings registered over these first weeks of the year reconfirm that the public choose to watch important events on Antenna 3, over 3,400,000 Romanians watched for at least one minute on average the INTACT news channel in January

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