Antena 3 CNN Actualitate Un tânăr în moarte cerebrală a început să clipească şi să respire chiar înainte să fie deconectat de la aparate

Un tânăr în moarte cerebrală a început să clipească şi să respire chiar înainte să fie deconectat de la aparate

Un tânăr în vârstă de 18 ani, aflat în moarte cerebrală, a început să clipească şi să respire chiar înainte să fie deconectat de la aparate, după ce familia a decis să îi doneze organele.

Sursa foto: Facebook
de Alin Tarnovschi    |    31 Mar 2021   •   13:13

Lewis Roberts (18 ani), din Leek, un oraş în comitatul Staffordshire (Anglia), a suferit răni foarte grave la cap, pe 13 martie 2021, după ce a fost implicat într-un accident rutier.

Tânărul a fost lovit de o maşină şi a ajuns de urgenţă, cu un elicopter medical, la Spitalul Royal Stoke University, acolo unde medicii au intervenit, însă familia a fost înştiinţată că Lewis a intrat în moarte cerebrală.

Astfel, medicii au explicat familiei beneficiile donării de organte, iar oamenii au fost de acord.

Totuşi, patru zile mai târziu, chiar înainte ca tânărul să fie deconectat de la aparate, familia a mers în salonul acestuia pentru a-şi lua rămas-bun de la acesta, iar momentul a fost filmat de sora lui.

Chiar în timp ce se pregăteau să îl deconectele de la aparatul de ventilaţie mecanică, tânărul a început să clipească şi să respire singur.

Într-un alt clip video, postat două zile mai târziu, sora lui Lewis a explicat că acesta a reuşit să respire singur, timp de o zi, fără să fie ajutat de aparate, notează DailyMail.

We are literally unsure where to start.. Posting on behalf of the whole family.. Yesterday North staffs after taking out numerous tests told us Lewis had given up the fight, no response and had suffered brain stem death... We signed forms you wouldn't even believe and conversations you'd never believe... This morning we were intended to say our final goodbyes. He was officially certified as dead yesterday... And his death was even reported to the coroner.. I headed up at midnight along with Emily, brother and sister and law, I held Lewis hand and asked him to breath after 1 2 3... We were waiting for a brown line to show for many days, to show he had taken a breath for himself but we had nothing.. Midnight When I said 1 2 3 breath Lewis a brown line showed. The middle line of the video shows the brown line which is Lewis taking a breath for himself.. When I said breath the brown line showed and he took a breath.. We were told no it must be an error impossible. And they are sorry and they understand its such a difficult time for the family... We agreed no Lewis can hear us that isn't no inconvenience... Got back home to a phone call... 'Lewis is breathing now' .. His eyes are dilating which before we had nothing. Zero... And to be told he was brain dead and suffered brain stem death and was literally certified as dead.. The hospital family etc can not even believe the miracle they said they've never ever witnessed this and Lewis is the second person in the whole wide world to do this!!!! Mega mega mixed emotions.. Just absolutly unbelievable... Please keep praying we are obviously so so over whelmed after hearing we lost our boy. They've apologised... Noted that they've made a major error which will be investigated.... But our boy is here... He's breathing fully on his own which was told to be impossible... ❤️ ABSOLUTE MIRACLE. VIDEO ATTACHED Everyone's constant messages, posts etc are so so appreciated and so over whelming it's just insane

Posted by Jade Roberts on Thursday, 18 March 2021

Subiecte în articol: Anglia
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