“Soția mea m-a încurajat să încep să caligrafiez. Îi place cum scriu și a vrut ca eu să distribui ceea ce am realizat pe internet”, a spus Tolga Girgin, citat de boredpanda.com.
Fotografiile postate de acesta pe Instagram au devenit virale pe Internet.
I love the green!And you? 3D lettering with brushpen. #calligraphy #calligraffiti #calligritype #thedailytype #goodtype #typeeverything #typography #lettering #anamorphic #illusion #3Dlettering #worldofartists #graffiti #arts_help #artwork #artfido #doodle #doodling #artspotlight #green #brushscript #brushpen #calligraphymasters #typism #nature
A photo posted by Tolga Girgin (@tolgagirgin99) on Jan 29, 2016 at 10:32am PST
'Down Under' means Australia. #calligraphy #calligraffiti #calligritype #thedailytype #goodtype #lettering #typespire #artfido #artwork #arts_help #handtype #typism #3Dlettering #illusion #illustration #anamorphic #opart #downunder #australia #australian #graffiti #graphicdesign #skrien
A photo posted by Tolga Girgin (@tolgagirgin99) on Oct 6, 2015 at 12:44pm PDT