Antena 3 CNN Actualitate Inedit A crezut mereu că trebuie să slăbească pentru a fi o mireasă frumoasă, însă s-a înșelat amarnic. Uite cum a arătat tânăra în ziua nunții

A crezut mereu că trebuie să slăbească pentru a fi o mireasă frumoasă, însă s-a înșelat amarnic. Uite cum a arătat tânăra în ziua nunții

3 minute de citit Publicat la 10:49 22 Aug 2016 Modificat la 10:49 22 Aug 2016
Foto:Callie Thorpe/Instagram

Callie Thorpe, o bloggeriță supraponderală din Londra care s-a căsătorit în urmă cu două săptămâni, și-a publicat pe Instagram o parte din fotografiile de la nuntă pentru a le arăta tuturor că poți fi mireasă, în pofida kilogramelor în plusm scre

Callie a dorit să trimită un mesaj către toți urmașii ei Instagram cu privire la modul în care ea a venit să aleagă rochia de mireasa.

"N-am visat niciodată că aș putea purta o rochie ca asta, mereu am crezut că nu mă voi mărita până nu slăbesc. (...) Dar, pe măsură ce te maturizezi și te înconjori cu oamenii potriviți, începi să realizezi că felul în care arăți nu conteaza prea mult pentru cei care te iubesc. Dan mi-a iubit indiferent de dimensiunile mele și, în ziua nunții, când am pășit în cameră și am început să pășesc spre el, mă privea de parcă aș fi fost magică”, a spus tânăra.

"Așa că aș vrea să le spun tuturor mireselor, supraponderale sau nu, că nu trebuie să slăbești pentru a fi fericită în ziua ce mare, căci partenerul tau te iubeste pentru ceea ce ești, nu pentru cum arăți”, a mai spus Callie.


I know I should ignore and I never give time to bullies on the Internet but seeing a comment earlier saying 'She will be dead by the end of the year' pushed me over the edge So here's a little message to anyone who feels the need to say hurtful things about people's weight and health First of all, you are prejudiced if you think that people of all sizes can't find love or happiness when you are fat - it's not true, and if you think other wise you are shallow and I feel sorry for you. Second of all, fat shaming has been proven to be ineffective way of helping people lose weight. When you make bullying comments about people and their size you are actually contributing to the 'problem' you think they have. This UCL clinical study right here might be helpful to all you internet Drs out there And finally the only person that should be worrying about my health is myself and my husband. All cleared up? Have a great evening Love the Hetheringtons ???????

A photo posted by Callie Thorpe (@calliethorpe) on


When I put on my wedding dress I knew it was the one. The gentle sparkle of the dress with the lace detail The champagne colour that perfectly complemented my olive skin, the way it fell over my hips and followed the curves of my figure. It was just magical. I never dreamed I would wear a dress like this, I used to think that I would never get married until I was thin. There were even times I doubted myself thinking I would be too self conscious to wear it. But As you grow older and you surround yourself with the right people, you begin to realise that what you look like doesn't really matter to those that love you. Dan has loved me at all different sizes and on the day of the wedding when I walked into the room he turned and teared as I walked towards him, he looked at me like I was magic. So I would like to say this one thing to brides to be everywhere, plus size or not. Do not feel you have to change yourself or your size to be happy on your wedding day, your partner loves you for who you are, not just what you look like. You are deserving of happiness no matter what your size, and you will still be the most beautiful person in the room next to your love because you will be glowing with the love you have for each other. The happy ending is for everyone so please, please let yourself have it. Hair: @smuk_london MUA: @sharlottejacks Photo by @kirstymackenziephotography

A photo posted by Callie Thorpe (@calliethorpe) on




I married the love of my life. ? 06.08.16 Hair: @smuk_london MUA: @sharlottejacks

A photo posted by Callie Thorpe (@calliethorpe) on



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