Antena 3 CNN Romania Romania joined the list of countries with the highest number of organ transplants

Romania joined the list of countries with the highest number of organ transplants

Romania joined the list of countries with the highest number of organ transplants
15 Mai 2013   •   16:19
This year, Romania joined the list of countries with the highest number of organ transplants performed. Romanians have understood  that organ donation means  saving lives.  The National Transplantation Day was celebrated with great joy by  those who have  received another chance at life.

 Romania is  the top leader with the highest number of transplants achieved  at  European level, with a record of 60 donors in the first four months of 2013, when ​​120 kidney transplants and 53 liver transplants have been performed.

The first transplant in Romanian was done in 1958.  Doctor Agripa Ionescu performed a skin transplantation. The first experimental liver transplant was performed in the Floreasca Hospital in Bucharest . But it was only an attempt.

Only in the 1980, at the Fundeni Clinic Institute in Bucharest, prof,  Eugeniu Proca succeeded in transplanting a kidney from mother to son. Every year, Romania has made progress  both from a technical perspective but also by increasing the donors number.  

 ‘The year 2013 is, as we know, the best year in the Romanian transplants history, and that due to the big number of donors since the beginning of the year’, prof. dr. Irinel Popescu said.

Irinel Popescu placed Romania among the countries with the highest number of  liver transplants performed in a  year.

Subiecte în articol: România
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