Antena 3 CNN Romania Radu Stroe resigned. "I wish to express my regrets for some unfortunate statements”

Radu Stroe resigned. "I wish to express my regrets for some unfortunate statements”

Radu Stroe resigned. "I wish to express my regrets for some unfortunate statements”
24 Ian 2014   •   15:14
Radu Stroe has resigned the office of interior minister at the time that the 23 years old student dead in the tragedy of the Apuseni Mountains was buried. The resignation of the Interior Minister was asked for immediately  after the tragedy on Monday night and  the search operations chaotic.

Radu Stroe held a press statement announcing that he decided to submit his resignation as a sign of honor to defend the dignity of the IGSU firefighters who over  the last three days had been unfairly  accused , although they were  heroes who save lives

Radu Stroe’s most important statements:

I’ve decided to resign  as a sign of honor and to protect  the firefighters who, over the last few days, have been the target of unfair accusations.

They are those who have saved and will continue to save people’s lives.
The obligations and responsibilities belong exclusively to other institutes, and not to the Ministry  of Internal Affairs.

I want to present  my apologies  for some unfortunate statements, but not ill-willed, I have gave the impression of a relaxed man or of an indifferent one or one who holds on to the his office of minister.

The PNL leader, Crin Antonescu had a talk with Prime Minister Victor Ponta at  the Government, which ended in having the Minister of Internal Affairs Radu Stroe, summoned to Ponta’s office.

Moreover, also at the PNL leadership  level , a series of vice presidents and branch leaders are in favour of the idea that the Minister of Internal Affairs, Radu Stroe be asked to resign  his office as a consequence  of the way he managed  the intervention in the Apuseni air crash.

“He should leave, but he is not the only one responsible. The two would not have dies if the intervention had been timely. It was not Chiper (MAI state secretary  - editor’s note) should have been in charge, but Stroe. That’s only a joke that they have dismissed Chiper”, stated one of the PNL vice president for Mediafax.

Another branch leaders argued that the involvement of the Minister of Interior should have been decisive, as the heads of county councils are morally obliged to be one  hundred percent involved in situations of disasters, such as floods or heavy snow.

"They have to withdraw his political support, it is not admissible. And even when there have been flooding and snow storms, I was involved every time in the  field even  if I had no  function at  the county level" , said one of the vice presidents.

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