Antena 3 CNN Romania CCR totally ignored Venice Commission recommendations. Romania is the only EU state to make an exception

CCR totally ignored Venice Commission recommendations. Romania is the only EU state to make an exception

1 minut de citit Publicat la 22:12 22 Aug 2012 Modificat la 22:12 22 Aug 2012
CCR totally ignored Venice Commission recommendations. Romania is the only EU state to make an exception
The Venice Commision issued a report regarding the right to vote of the citizens outside the borders of their country. The report was adopted by the Council for Democratic Elections at its 37th meeting, on 16 June 2011, and by the Venice Commision at its 87th plenary session, on 17-18 June 2011.

In this report, the Commision concludes that the issue is very intricate and that it is within the state's own right to vote on the matter, being even able to forbid non-residents to vote on the day of the vote.

The Venice Commision even recommends some „formal restrictions“ which may be imposed to citizens abroad. These restrictions are aimed at excluding persons who do not maintain contact with the origin country and who would not vote.

The restrictions are materialized in an operation  to register the vote on open lists, at diplomatic representatives. Thus, citizens could express their intention to vote. Without this intention, persons can be excluded from electoral lists and are not taken under consideration when constituting a hypothetical quorum imposed by law.

In this report, Romania is mentioned as the only state in the European Union which does not request any form of registration or evaluation of the number of citizens abroad. No other European state does not register ahead, in permanent lists, an undefinite number of citizens who find themselves abroad.


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